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Saturday, 20 December 2014



Influenza is a viral infection that attacks the respiratory system, including the nose, throat, bronchial and lung.

If you get the flu, you will feel unwell for a few days, but you probably will not experience complications with other diseases or you may require hospitalization. If you have a weak immune system or chronic disease, the flu can be fatal. For those with a high risk of flu, then the first line of defense is the injection / annual flu vaccine.
Actually, flu-like common cold with a runny nose, sneezing and throat swelling. But colds usually develop slowly, and flu came suddenly. Although colds can be a nuisance, you are usually more concerned about the flu.

Some of the signs and symptoms that are common in the flu:
Fever over 38 Celsius in adults, and often up to 39.5 Celsius to 40.5 Celsius in children.
Chills and sweating.
Dry cough.
Muscle pain, especially on the back, arms and legs
Fatigue and weakness
Nasal congestion
Loss of appetite
Diarrhoea and vomiting in children

Causes & Risk Factors

Flu viruses are spread through the air when an infected person coughs, sneezes or talk. You can inhale the virus directly, or through an object such as a phone or computer keyboard, and then deliver them to the eyes, nose or mouth.

Flu is caused by three types of viruses - influenza A, B, and C. Type A causes deadly flu pandemic (an epidemic in the hemisphere) that strikes every 10 to 40 years. Type B causes a pandemic with a smaller scale. Type A or B can cause the flu every winter circulation. Type C is never associated with a large epidemic.

Type C is quite stable, but type A and B are constantly changing and raises new concerns for the community on a regular basis. Once you have the flu, the antibodies will suppress the cause, but it will not protect you from the virus that has mutated. That's why doctors recommend a flu shot every year.
risk factors
Increased risk of flu or complicating if you:

Infants or children
Aged over 50 years
Have a chronic illness, such as diabetes or janung disease, kidney disease, or lung.
Having a weak immune system, such as HIV-AIDS.
Pregnant when will the flu season
Residents in care centers.
Working in the care center.
Regularly perform in close contact with infants or children.

Children who use aspirin for a long time also can increase with greater risk. The flu vaccine is safe for children aged 6 months or more. If your child is not at risk but stay with people who have these risks, you still have to give the vaccine to your child. The way your child will reduce the risk of infection. More and more people are immunized, fewer flu will spread in a community.


Use the regular flu shot every year. The right time for vaccination is currently before the peak of flu season. It took two weeks for the body to build up the body's immune system from the vaccine. Ask your doctor right time.

Keep in mind that the flu vaccine will not eliminate the risk of catching a cold, especially in adults. But this vaccine can reduce the risk of catching a cold. Based on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), if the current flu vaccine and circulating influenza outbreak close, the flu vaccine will be effective between 70% to 90% to protect.

It is less effectiveness in adults. Health experts recommend vaccination in people over 50 years since the vaccine will reduce the risk of flu complications, hospital care and death.

Cusi hand. Hand washing is the best way to prevent infection with the common cold. Rub your palms at least 15 seconds, Soap correctly and close the faucet using a tissue. Or use gel alcohol-based hand sanitizers at least 60 percent alcohol content.

Eat properly and sleep regularly. Poor diet and lack of sleep weakens your immunity and cause you more vulnerable to infection. A balanced diet with fresh fruits and vegetables, wheat or rice, and foods containing protein is the best for many people. Adequate sleep and regularly also need to immune system health. In general, adults are very good night's sleep for 7 to 8 hours. Children and adolescents need to sleep the night of 9 to 10 hours.

Exercise regularly. Cardiovascular train regularly - walking, cycling, aerobics - boost your immune system. Sports can not prevent infection, but if you have the flu, you will be less likely to develop a severe impact and recover more quickly than those who do not fit.

Avoid crowds when flu season. Flu spreads easily wherever people gather many - in care centers, schools, offices, auditoriums and public transportation. Avoid crowds during the flu season will reduce your chance of flu.
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