Humans are born and die it must, the cause of birth and death is certain some, especially the birth. However, some causes of death can be a mystery, and long enough to be solved. As events appearance and disappearance of a person, or the emergence of a strange event. Here are 5 events appear and disappear mysterious quoted from
1. Loss of climbers on Mount Everest
George Leigh-Mallory (photo: back row left) and Andrew C. Irvine only less live thousands of feet from the summit of Everest, on June 8, 1924. However, a sudden strong winds swirling snow and fog disrupt existing at the time, so that the observer was in the post below, can not see them. And indeed they do not look and found again. Everest summit itself was conquered in 1953.
Previously they both have set up a tent and spend the night at an altitude of 26,800 feet, and sent down guiding the journey to tell the team that was under that tomorrow morning they will continue the journey to the top. But apparently they were late getting up and doing the climb. The possibility of their loss caused by storms and avalanches sweep so buried in it. The only evidence they were ever there is an ice ax, either owned or Irvine Leigh.
2. Children Goa
Two boys and girls emerged from a cave near Banjos, Spain in August 1887. Their skin is green and wearing clothes made of an unknown material. They can not speak Spanish and shape of their eyes slanted like Asians. At first they both do not want to eat, so that the man died, set on seeing that the girl was willing to eat.
Moments later the girl was going to explain about their origin. They come from an area that is rarely exposed to the sun, and there was a wind storm event which causes them crashing and forcing them to go into a cave. The girl died in 1892, but the certainty and truth of the story is still mysterious.
3. Ear Eater Mysterious Creatures
Something has been eating pig ears are still alive, this report is derived from a newspaper, The Jasper County News in Mississippi, in January 1977. The victims are the property of Joseph Dickinson, he was one of the Nazarene community member. At one time he found a pig's ear of his injured / missing, and it seems caused by sharp objects like scissors.
In the evening the next day, the pigs were again attacked and injured in the cage, so it is with the third pig in the next night. End on the third night, Dickinson saw a large creature, bigger than the German shepherd dog, and is able to jump farther than ordinary dog. A week later Calvin Martin, neighbors, found the ear of one of his cattle lying in the grass.
4. Murder Mystery in the Locked Room
Isidore Fink was shot dead at 20:30, on March 9, 1929, in the back room Laundry his Fifth Avenue building, which is located at 4 East 132nd Street, New York City. Fink's death will not be revealed quickly if, Ny.Locklan Smith reported it to police. He reported hearing screams and noises were fighting. Not long police arrived on the scene, they found the room with the door locked and allegedly Fink was in it. To find out, the police used a small child to look inside through a small window and report the situation to be in the room.
When found, Fink reported to have been shot twice in the chest, one bullet is a copy of his left arm. Not found other woods fire a gun or weapon, as the person who committed suicide. No money or items that are missing.
The killing Fink makes the police should be frowned in a long time, how not a locked room and only a small window above, but able to be entered by someone to kill Fink. Some claimed that Fink was shot through the cracks in the walls or holes in the walls of the room. The case was investigated up to two years, after finally Commissioner Edward P. Mulrooney said the case is not solved.
5. Loss of Elderly Couple in Miami - Scarsdale
Travelling away from Miami (Florida) to Scarsdale (New) actually routinely performed by Charles R. Romer and his wife Catherine. They are elderly couples who have retired from work, their age is approximately 70 years, in 1980. At that time they were on their way home after enjoying the winter in his apartment in Florida. That afternoon they rented a room, a motel in the city of Brunswick, Georgia. Moments later highway patrol saw them drive to a restaurant for dinner.
But after that they never get back to where they stay, their tracks were never found, is killed after being robbed, even the police do not find their car. It looks like the couple and the car was gone just like that, the police concluded that they drowned in a river or swamp. One of their sons said, "so amazing two people completely disappeared.
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