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Monday, 1 December 2014

History of Table Tennis

History of Table Tennis

History of Table Tennis, table tennis is a sport that is very popular, especially in Asia.

In China this sport better known by the name "Ping Pong". Perhaps many of us who do not know exactly where the origin of the game on this one.

History of Table Tennis

The history of table tennis originated from the British Empire soldiers who served in the Indian or South Africa. From there the beginning of this sport was first played by the army. Then when I go home to his country in the United Kingdom, the soldiers also brought the game to England.

At that time they played this game still uses a very simple equipment. That is using the book stands arranged lengthwise as net or nets, and a pair of other books as a racket. Meanwhile, as the ball they use a golf ball. There is also the use of closed champagne as the ball.

In the UK this is in around 1880 for the first time the sport of table tennis widely known. But in the first game was originally known only by the upper middle class or nobility United states alone. Usually after dinner, the nobility of this play table tennis in their living room.

History of Table Tennis - Ping Pong term emergence

Table tennis history continues with the start of the game played by many people. This sparked the idea of a company to make a game of table tennis equipment in better. Table tennis racket was first a sheet of parchment paper stretched on a frame. From the sound of the ball on the racket parchment is then came the name "wiff-WAFF" and "ping-pong".

History of Table Tennis - The discovery of Modern Ball and Racket

The history of table tennis began to develop with the invention of celluloid material which is suitable for table tennis ball in 1901, by a table of British tennis fans that James W. Gibb during his visit to the United States. This discovery continues with the discovery of a racket by using ropes rubber by EC.Goode in the same year.

History of Table Tennis - Table Tennis World Championship First

As the development of table tennis history, began arose a world-class table tennis championship for the first time in 1902, although this championship is informal. Then in 1921 established the Table Tennis Association in the UK, followed by the Table Tennis Federation in 1926. And finally officially the world level table tennis championship held first time in the UK in 1926.

History of Table Tennis - Drastic Change In Games

Table tennis history, especially in terms of how the game suffered a major revolution in about 1950 when it was discovered material for rubber-coated sponge racket that is glued on the racket of the timber using a special glue. The use of new racket made by the company SW Hancock Ltd. This makes changing table tennis game. This is because with this new racket into a table tennis ball can rotate, can be shot very quickly, and so forth. And make the advent of new techniques in playing table tennis.

History of Table Tennis - Table Tennis Present

In the history of table tennis, olympics who first introduced sport of table tennis occurred in 1988. After the Olympic sport of table tennis is always changing and development, both in terms of the rules of the game and in terms of supporting the use of tools. Not only the rules of the game is getting tighter, but the rules in the use of tools and supporting materials are also very detailed. Starting from the size of a ping-pong table, countertop material, mesh size, the size of the ball, the ball material, thickness, and so forth. --Sejarah Table Tennis
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