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Tuesday, 16 December 2014


Memorial to King Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette, sculptures by Edme Gaulle and Pierre Petitot.

The French Revolution was a period of political and social transition in the history of France. At that time, the democrats and the supporters of republicanism united monarchy drop system (royal) abosolut, which was considered too rigid and excessive privileges to the royal family and nobility. King Louis XVI (the leader of the country at that time) for example, can live in luxury and squandering funds kingdom, while the majority of people live in poverty. In short, the government wants people to notice their rights. In the French Revolution, they use the slogan "Equality, Freedom, and Fraternity" (Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite). The French Revolution ended in November 1799 with the dissolution of the French absolute monarchy, which was replaced with a limited form of monarchical states (hereafter become a republic).
A great revolution which changed the order of the government and society would occur France. Group of people who become the driving is city residents who wish to replace the role of the nobility and the church in the government and the economy. The revolution caused by many things quite broad in scope, including the following:
A. Development of Understanding Rationalism and Aufklarung
Ideologies that emerged after the Renaissance and humanism movement against the power of the Church in Europe. An understanding which assumes that the mind is the source of all truth, so anything that does not make sense to be false. Figures rationalism and this Aufklarung among Denis Diderot and J.d 'Alembert and Voltaire.
B. The emergence of Romanticism Understand
Understand the romance is understood that upholds human feelings and instincts appreciate figures romance understand that a lot of influence in the French Revolution was Jean Jacques Rousseau.
C. Effects of the War of American Independence (American Revolution)
In the war of American Independence, the French helped America by sending troops led by Lafayette. They have to know a new pahmpaham about freedom and democracy as well as the Declaration of Independence that contains penghargaanya against human rights.
D. injustice in the system of Feudalism
System of feudalism in France divides society into three groups, as follows.
1) Group I (nobility)
2) Class II (the religion)
3) Class III (commoners)
The nobility and the higher religions are privileged while the lower religion and commoners do not have rights. With its privileges, in addition to any tax-exempt nobility could collect taxes from the people.
E. Poor Governance
Single power king during his reign turned into a tyrannical king who gives leeway to act arbitrarily.
F. The existence of power vacuums (Vacuum of power)
In the reign of Louis XIV and Louis XV, the people are afraid of the king even if they hate it. While in the past the government of Louis XVI, although dictatorial but has no authority, so that people are not afraid of him. Since King Louis XIV, the French kings like spree with beautiful women (madame deficit) so that the state treasury is empty.
In 1789, when the reign of Louis XVI, the country has a very high load. To overcome these, the only way is to tax the nobility. GENERAUX Etats trial was finally held, but riots. That is because the group III (of commoners) which requires the largest number of voting rights in the voting individually, while Class I and II require voting conducted pergolongan. That way the class I and II which conspired certainly won the vote. On July 14, 1789 the people of France stormed the Bastille which is a political prisoner of government opponents king of France and the armory. This raid caused by the following:
  • People heard rumors that the king of France gathering troops around paris to oppress the people.
  •  People need weapons contained in the Bastille.
Invasion of the Bastille prison works well because, soldiers gathered in Paris favor of the people, the attack is considered as the beginning of the revolution and declared a National Day of France. On July 20, 1789 National Council convened at the tennis court, consequently the King ordered to dissolve the Constituent Assembly, but was ignored. King did not act and surrender to the state of his country. That's when the common people in power. Leaders yng famous people in the Constituent Assembly of them, Mirabeau (nobility), Lafayette (nobility), and Sieyès (the religion).
On August 27, 1789, the Constituent Assembly announced Human Rights and Citizens (Declaration des Droits de l'homme et du Citoyen) as the basis of a new government. On 14 July 1790 the French Constitution was passed. Thus the French government turned into a Monarchy Konstituonal that limit the power of the King.
One of the important documents produced at the time of the French Revolution is
"Declaration of Human Rights
and Residents" human rights are deemed to have been possessed man and citizen since birth is as follows.

1) The right to personal liberty
2) The right was treated the same as the law
3) Right to freedom of residence
4) The right to private property
5) The right to security of person
6) The right to defend themselves
7) The right of freedom of expression
8) Right to freedom of religion.

  •      abolition of Feudalism
Abolition of feudalism cause no more factions of society with rights and obligations are.
  •      The idea of developing the Constitution Law Honor is the highest authority.
In the reign of King Louis XVI and the previous government. Law applicable in France applied equally to everyone and regions, because of the privileges and traditions of different uniform on each person and the area to the compilation of the book Napoleon Constitution called the Civil Code which later became the Code Napoleon.

     The emergence of the People's Government Idea Considered less precise because hereditary transfer of power does not guarantee the quality of a head of state. Therefore, it is necessary to form the government of the republic with the head of state elected directly by the people.
     Understand the development of democracy.

  • This understanding mumcul as a result of the recognition of human rights, especially freedom and the equation between human rights.
  • Deploy Understanding Liberalism.
When Napoleon came to power, he became the biggest spreaders understand Liberalism. almost
throughout Europe and other regions outside of Europe conquered, Napoleon established a liberal government.

  • Widespread Understanding Nationalism.
Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite is Prancia Revolution slogan, which means Freedom, Equality, and Fraternity. This slogan illustrates semagat French nationalism to unite.
  • The emergence of the idea of Revolutionary Action.
The success of the French Revolution in overthrowing the rule of King arbitrary, had to convince people that in case of injustice people can sometimes be a revolutionary act.

  • Understanding the emergence of nationalism 
 Nationalism understand came from Western Europe, and then spread throughout Europe in the 19th century and the 20th century is important in understanding the underlying national movements in various countries in Asia and Africa. Nasionalieme in Asia and Africa, including in Indonesia caused by oppression by the Western imperialist countries. Ethical policy implementation has provided educational opportunities to the native population, although in a limited scope. The existence of education has prompted the emergence of a new class that is educated group that leads the national movement. At the beginning of the national movement emerged several organizations with different properties. Sampoerna Utomo is more cultural organizations, Islamic Sarikat socioeconomic and religious nature, while the Indische Partij political. Namu three organizations have in common, namely yamg nationalist aims to raise the dignity of the nation to independence in the future. In order to celebrate the 100th Independence Netherlands from French colonialism formed a committee known as the "Committee Bumiputera" in Bandung. This committee was formed with the intention of going to send a telegram to the Queen of the Netherlands whose contents demand for the creation of the People's Legislative Assembly of the True and firmness their freedom of speech in the colony. One of the leaders of this committee, Soewardi Soeyaningrat write a satire entitled "Als ik een Nederlander was ..." which it invites residents to celebrate Independence Day bumiputera. From the article it can be concluded that Indonesia has harbored a deep sense of nationalism.
  • Understanding the emergence of democracy1) Establishment of the People's Council
1) At the congress Boedi Utomo 5th and August 6, 1915, have been assigned proposals for the need to establish conscription among the natives. Furthermore Weerbar Indie committee on 23 July 1916 was decided that the establishment of military force both sea and land of the bumiputera urged to defend themselves from attacks originating from the outside. Dwidjosewoyo as vice Sampoerna Utomo successfully approached the prominent leaders of the Netherlands. Although the mission did not managed to get the proposal on the establishment of conscription, but instead the Dutch government will establish the People's Council passed in December 1916.
2) Demands Indonesia Berparlemen
Parliament is a body that must exist in a state based on the principles demokarasi like yng championed by the French people, especially Montesquieu. On May 21, 1939 successfully established cooperation between the bodies of political parties in the People's Council called joint Indonesian politics (GAPI), led by Mohammad Hoesni Thamrin in the first Conference of GAPI with the motto "Indonesia Berparlemen". Momentum to convey the idea came when the outbreak of World War II on September 20, 1939. GAPI convey his ideas known as 'manifestations GAPI' which include Indonesian and Dutch invited to work together to face the danger of fascism. GAPI itself also held public meetings which reached a climax on December 12, 1939, no less than 100 places hold a rally to propagate the call to "Indonesia Berparlemen" then formed the Indonesian Parliamentary Committee to reinforce the GAPI attitude. In August 1940, the Netherlands has been dominated by the Germans, meanwhile Indonesia declared in a state of war emergency. GAPI has again expressed his proposal that the Volksraad replaced with a true parliament. The demand was sent to the Governor-General, the Volksraad, Queen Wilhelmina and the Dutch Cabinet moved to London. But very persistent struggle of GAPI was just taken with the establishment of a commission Visman.
* From various sources
   Rationalism or rationalist movement is a philosophical doctrine that states that the truth should be determined through evidence, logic, and analysis are based on facts, rather than through faith, dogma, or religion. Rationalism has some similarities in terms of ideology and goals with humanism and atheism, in that they aim to provide a vehicle for social and philosophical discourse outside of religious belief or superstition. Nevertheless, there are differences in both forms:

     Humanism is centered on human society and its success. Rationalism does not claim that people are more important than animals or other natural elements. There rationalist-rationalist philosophy which is firmly opposed to the anthropocentric humanism.
     Atheism is a state without a belief in God or gods; rationalism does not declare any statement about the existence of gods, although he rejects any belief that only by faith. Although there is a strong influence of atheism in modern rationalism, not all rationalists are atheists. Outside of religious discussion, rationalism may be applied more generally, for example, to the problems of political or social. In cases like this, which is an important characteristic of the rationalist perspective is the rejection of feelings (emotions), customs or beliefs that are popular.
In the mid 20th century, there is a strong tradition of rationalism that is planned, which affected large by free thinkers and intellectuals.
Modern rationalism has little in common with continental rationalism described René Descartes. The difference is most clearly seen in the dependence of modern rationalism of science that relies on experiment and observation, a continental rationalism opposed thing altogether.

   Aufklarung is a big movement in Europe in the 18th century AD that gives exceptional status and confidence to human reason. This movement is growing in line with the major discoveries in the field of natural sciences in Italy, Germany, Poland, and England. Some scientists are present and enliven science in this period, among others, Galileo, Kepler, Copernicus, and Newton.
   Renaissance was a period of history which peaked at about the year 1500. The word "renaissance" is derived from the French language renaissance which means "Born Again" or "Rebirth". Which usually meant is the rebirth of classical culture, especially the culture of ancient Greece and ancient Roman culture. But nowadays it can involve everything.
This period was marked by a brilliant life in art, thought and literature were issued Europe from medieval intellectual darkness. The Renaissance is not a naturally evolving extension of the medieval, but rather a cultural revolution, a reaction against the rigidity of thought and tradition of the Middle Ages.

   Feudalism is the delegation of power sociopolitical structures that run the nobility / monarchy to control various areas claimed by working with local leaders as partners. Within the meaning of the original, this structure pinned by historians on the political system in Europe in the Middle Ages, which puts the knights and other noble class (vassal) as the ruler of a particular region or right (called a fief or, in Latin, feodum) designated by monarchy (usually a king or lord).
The term feudalism itself used since the 17th century and by the perpetrators themselves never used. Since the 1960s, historians expand the use of this term to include also aspects of the social life of the workers in the area of land occupied by the landlord, so that the term "feudal society". Due to the use of the term feudalism increasingly negative connotation, by detractors term is now considered not help clarify the situation and recommended not to be used without a clear qualification.
In everyday language usage in Indonesia, this word is often used to refer to the negative behaviors that are similar to the behavior of tyrants, such as' old-fashioned ',' always wanted to be respected ', or' hang on to old values that have been many abandoned '. This meaning has been much deviated from his political understanding.
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