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Tuesday, 16 December 2014

5 Most Poisonous Animals in the World

There are currently very difficult to distinguish the most poisonous animal Where in the world. Which could have, which kill most, or perhaps one of the most deadly animals with poison?

There is a difference between poisonous and venomous animals animals. An animal with dangerous toxins typically used to defend themselves, but using the poison of venomous animals with stinging, stabbing, or biting. Poisonous animals are passive killers, while venomous animals are active killers. Here's his review by

 1. Box Jellyfish

The order of the top of the most poisonous animal in the world is the box jellyfish. This beast has caused at least 5,567 recorded deaths since 1954. The animal venom is among the most deadly in the world. These toxins attack the heart, nervous system, and skin cells. The worst thing is that the box jellyfish venom is very painful, victims can discharge directly shock, drowning or may die of heart failure before being able to get out of the water. According to survivors, they feel pain weeks after the shock of this animal.

If not treated immediately, almost no chance of survival after exposure can sting of this beast. The first thing to do is to compress the wound with vinegar for at least 30 seconds after contact. Vinegar contains acetic acid, which can disable the nematocysts of box jellyfish before it enters the bloodstream (though in this case does not reduce pain). Wearing a swimsuit that covers the body while swimming in the ocean is one of the good precaution to reduce the risk of jellyfish invade your feet. This jellyfish normally live in the waters around Asia and Australia.

2. King Cobra

King Cobra or Ophiophagus Hannah is a venomous snake that has a 5.6 meter long and includes the longest venomous snake in the world. Ophiphagus or generally means snake-eateradalah snake snake predators. One bite of this snake can easily kill a human, even the snake is capable of killing an adult Asian elephants within 3 hours if they are bitten in the risky parts such as the neck.

Could this animal is not like the other can of snakes, this beast is capable of injecting 5 times more venom than black mamba snake, which can lead to death 5 times faster. These snakes come from northern India, China, Hong Kong, the Philippines, and Indonesia.

3. Marbled Cone Snail

This cute little creature is one of the main animals darting off. 20 people could die with one drop of this snail poison. Humans who have already had a bite to experience weakness, numbness, nausea and lungs stop and then die. This snail venom contains toxins using strong to catch its prey. If you find these snails do not even think of picking.

Symptoms of this snail sting can be immediate or delayed for one day, the victim experienced pain, swelling, numbness and tingling. There is no anti-venom for this type. Only about 30 deaths have been reported to occur as a result of this snail sting.

4. Blue-Ringed Octopus

This octopus are very small, only about the size of a golf ball, but its venom is very powerful and can kill humans. Its bite is painless and look harmless, but the venom neurotoxin produced from the sting will cause muscle weakness, numbness, followed by cessation of breathing system which ultimately leads to death.

5. Death Stalker Scorpion


In general, people argue that most scorpions are not dangerous to humans as stings only cause pain, numbness, and swelling. These scorpions live section of North Africa and the Middle East, as the name implies this scorpion is not so big and strong, but a very deadly poisonous sting of the scorpion other types. One sting can cause pain that is unbearable, fever followed by convulsions, paralysis and death.

However, the sting of a scorpion is not going to kill a healthy adult humans directly and vice versa young children, elderly sick (heart disease) are at risk of death when exposed to this scorpion stings.

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