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Monday, 1 December 2014

Heritage Heritage Ancestors

Heritage Heritage Ancestors

Historical heritage is a legacy of human ancestors in various parts of the world that is very important to mankind.

Human civilization has always experienced a continuous change from time to time. We can enjoy all the technology and culture of this period was also due to the discoveries by our ancestors in antiquity.

As we know that early humans had a way of life that is very simple and primitive. But along with the development of time many changes occur in the human civilization. Human life more complex, more modern. Resulted in the development of culture and increasingly advanced technology as well.

Various technological inventions are always popping up continuously from time to time. Which all aim to make it easier for humans. With the discoveries of these technologies, human life becomes increasingly facilitated.

For example, in ancient times humans move from one place to another only by foot or using the help of animals like horses. Now we can travel easily using cars, motorcycles, ships, aircraft, etc. Similarly, the development of culture also progressing and growing.

But all modern human development can not be separated from their historical heritage. Humans left many relics sejarahyang then through various historic inventions researched and studied. The papers are used as a basis for development in all aspects of human life.

Relics of Ancient Human History

Ancient man believed to be the ancestors of all modern humans are living in today. Ancient man in all parts of the world, but they are not the same. Lots of early humans to the difference of each place, both in terms of physical characteristics, and in terms of its way of life. But basically all that early humans had culture or way of life that affect each also with the way of life of modern man.

Early humans living in a very simple way. Therefore, their culture is very simple. Similarly, the technology they use in everyday life. The tools they use everyday is also very simple.

For example, to search for food, early humans usually only menagandalkan how to hunt animals. And to hunt, using only stone-age man rock-edged or pointed as a tool to spear or cut the prey animal.

In terms of dress, they often rely on animal skin or bark as an ingredient of their clothing. And to stay usually they only rely on the caves as shelter and sleep. What do they use most is what they found in their natural surroundings and their immediate advantage without being treated back. Relics of ancient human history is often found in caves.

Relics of Ancient History

Many relics of ancient history has often found in various places. These discoveries are often also used as the basis for research to find a way of life and human culture in prehistoric times. Various findings such as:
  1. Fossil skeletons. Skeletons have been found in various locations. The discovery of this framework can be used as acauan to know the ancestors of a particular nation or race. For example, the ancestors of Europeans are physically different course with the ancestors of Asia. Physical characteristics can be revealed through the study of ancient human skeleton folis invention.
  2.  Fossil history objects. Other historical relics of ancient humans may also be peniggalan objects are instruments used in ancient human daily life. Such as guns, hunting tools, cutlery, and others.

Historical Relics of the Modern Man

Remains of modern human history has been much more complex and much more. Modern humans have experienced a lot of growth and has gone through various changes in culture. Large variety of cultural development ever recorded in human history is kebuadayaan stone age and iron age cultures or metal. Various relics of modern man is usually in the form of:
  •      Books or Book
Book or Book is an important historical heritage. Book or books are usually written by an elder or often referred to by the professor. Beberepa very famous books include the Mahabharata, Ramayana Book, Book Sotasoma, Book Negarakertagama, etc.
  • inscription
Inscription is a relic of history in the form of a stone or monument with sculptures in the form of a description of an important historical event. The inscriptions are often found at the site of a temple dean or other historic buildings. An inscription also typically contains about when, where, by whom, and the background of a building is made.

This inscription is becoming of great importance for the history of a tribe or nation, because of this inscription can be traced to the existence of an event or studied in greater depth. Inscriptions can also constitute a proof of an event. Most of the inscriptions are usually made of stone with carved inscription. Examples of some inscription ever found in Indonesia, among others Kalasan inscription, Inscription Gutters Tuo, Inscription Muara Kaman, Inscription Canggal, and much more.
  • temple
The temple is a relic of history in the form of a building large enough. The temple is usually made of stone, both andesite, brick, or other types of stone. The temple is usually built by a kingdom in the reign of a particular king or during a particular dynasty.

The temple is usually built as a place of worship, place of worship, place for meditation, site of the royal ceremony, the venue for religious ceremonies, or as a monument which marks a particular event. 

The temple is a very remarkable relic. Of a temple, the archaeologists and historians can be examined regarding when the temple was built, by whom, what the culture behind it, etc. From the data of the temple also the researchers can deduce the sequence of the history of a nation coherently. The temples of Borobudur this example, Prambanan, Mendut, Barelang, and many other temples in Indonesia.
  •      Sculpture or statue
Sculpture or statue is a relic that complements that are usually found in a temple. Although often found at the site of the temple, but many are also sculptures or statues were found separately in a given location.

This sculpture could also reflect a culture at the time the statue was made. Statue usually tangible animal or a figure. Buddhist relics ordinary Hindu history shown by the statues of gods or revered figures. Examples of some of the statues, among others, the statue of Lord Shiva, Ganesha statue, Buddha statues, etc.
  •      palace
Kraton is a place or building that is usually a certain royal administrative center. Kraton is usually in the form of a vast complex and consists of several buildings. The palace is usually also the residence of a king and his family.

Some of the palace remaining in Indonesia, among others, the royal palace of Yogyakarta, Kraton Surakarta Susuhunan, Kasepuhan Palace Cirebon, etc.

  •      Tomb King
Historical relics of ancient tombs usually is the tomb kings, elders, or nobles. Tomb of the Kings is still to be found because the tombs of the nobles usually quite magnificent and built with as good-good both in terms of materials or architecture. This makes them quite durable tomb to tens or even hundreds of years ago. The tomb of the king who is very famous among the Tomb Kings of Mataram in Imogiri, Tomb Kings Demak, etc.
  •      fort
The fort is a complex of buildings that is wide enough and sturdy built for the purpose of defense against the enemy. In Indonesia alone, most of the fort was made with a very solid stone material. Most of the castle was built during the colonial era centuries.
  • Historical Relics
There are many more relics other than those mentioned above. All types of these treasures have different roles. However everything has a function and a very important role for the culture of his time. It also plays a role in the history of the present disclosure. Which should always be done is we should always keep all these artifacts from being damaged and can still be enjoyed by our children and grandchildren. 
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