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Tuesday, 16 December 2014

History Theory According ARNOLD J. Toynbee


Once we recognize and know the opinions of the philosophers of the modern age as Vico, Hegel, Marx and Oswald Spengler, we will know again the famous philosophers who came from England that Arnold J. Toynbee. He is a British scholar who can electrify the world history with his essay entitled "A Study of History" comprising 12 volumes thick. The essay book was first published in 1933.

     In his book, Toynbee argued that his theory is based on research on 21 cultures were perfect and imperfect 9 cultures that exist throughout the world. For example, a perfect culture among Greeks, Romans, Maya (Central America), the Hindu, the West (Europe), Eastern Europe and so on. While imperfect, among others, Eskimo, Sparta, Polynesia, Turkey and so on.

     Based on the theory presented in his books, Arnold J. Toynbee concludes that in the history of motion there is no specific law that controls and regulates the sinking arise for certain cultures (Tamburaka, 1999: 65).

1. Shape Pattern / Rhythm Motion History
In looking at and determining pattern / rhythm of the movement of history, Arnold J. Toynbee compared the development / process with cultural history. According to Toynbee view, culture (civilization) is a form rather than the life of a whole class. Toynbee's opinion is similar to what is called by Oswald Spengler as culture and civilization.

According to Toynbee, the movement of history through the levels as follows:
a) The Genesis of civilization (birth culture)
A culture occurs and appears because of the challenges and answers (challenge and response) between man and nature. Nature as a human habitation, not always going to meet human needs. And humans will forever be complacent natural wealth without having to be processed and preserved. Nature will provide a challenge to man to give life experiences that will develop into a culture.
After giving a challenge to human nature, then any man would answer the challenges of nature, giving rise to a culture. In good nature, man seeks to establish a culture like India, Europe, China. Nature which has natural conditions such as climate accordance with the conditions of the human body, so that people can give birth to a culture that once was cultivated by the man himself as a civilization which can give a positive value for nature.

However, where the natural conditions are not good, people will not be able to establish a culture that would become a civilization. As the area that is too cold or too hot areas can not arise because of a culture hostile nature, so a busy man to survive without having to pay attention to culture what they can reveal and pass on to their offspring.

b) Growth of civilization (cultural development)
Of good natural conditions sehigga cause birth culture, the development of a culture, which is an event that is driven by a fraction of the parties that culture. The parties that culture is a group of people who become a society. A group of small amounts (minority) it creates a culture of the answers given and the challenges of nature, then imitated by most people (mayority). A minority cultures developed by the strong and can create a culture. A nkecil group (minority) Strong develop culture by spreading the culture and influence masyarrakat to emulate the culture that has been created minority.

c) Decline of civilization (cultural collapse)
Cultural development is grown by a powerful minority. If the minority has been able again to maintain the culture (weak) and lose their creativity, the challenges of nature can no longer be answered. Consequently, if such a situation already peaked, there will be a collapse that led to the destruction of culture as if lost in nature.
According to Toynbee, the collapse occurred in three waves period, namely:
1) cultural decline, caused by the loss of minority appeal to create a culture and lost its authority, the mayority no longer willing to follow the rules in the cultural minority (between minority and majority) broke and certainly shoots cultural life will disappear.
2) The destruction of culture, began to appear after the shoots of life was dead and stalled growth. After growth stalled then as if it freezes vitality and there exists a culture that no longer spirited. Toynbee call this period the petrification, manufacture or culture that has become stone, died and became fossilized.
3) The disappearance of the body when the culture is a culture that has become stone was destroyed later disappeared. (yamburuka, 1999: 66-67)

If we look at the opinion of the motion history Toynbee above it can be concluded that the movement of history in the view of Toynbee is a legal form Fatum-Cyklus in the form of a modern form. Because the view of Toynbee, not only pay attention to the motion of the historical process alone, but also pay attention to how early events and culture, then evolved and eventually retreated and lost. And also eyeing the time it takes culture to emerge, evolve, and retreat. This is evidenced in research Toynbee example of ancient Chinese culture-which explains, among Break Down (degenerate), disintegration (crushed), Dissolution (lost) a culture that does not take place rapidly extends the time period of 2000 years was called pembatuan period (petrification) .

2. Direction and Purpose Motion History
After seeing the historical forces that shaped pattern fatum-cylus law in the form of a modern form, which at the time of breakdown (degenerate) before the disintegration arise, often there is an attempt to stop the destruction. The effort was led by the great souls who act as if the Messiah. But the struggle was not successful.

An attempt was made to stop the collapse of a culture that might work is the replacement of all the cultural norms with norms of divinity. So with replacing it appeared that the history of motion direction and purpose in view Toynbee is the divine life.

The divine life which is the direction of history, with the aim to achieve perfection that is heading to the kingdom of God (according to the Protestant understanding) to know the will of God and form rather than the will of the history in order to better love God. And if we look from the view of Ibn Khaldun that determines the direction of the movement of history that is in the direction of progress and perfection. And when we connect between Toynbee and Ibn Khaldun's view, they both have the goal to head toward perfection with what makes a better human being according to the will of God.
As a result of research Toynbee is no definite legal and melelui certain circles which should be united. And Toynbee seeks to answer questions about the purpose of the movement of history is true philosopher is a historian educated in empirical studies and that is also based on a true religious beliefs (David Richardson, in Tamburata, 1999: 69)

3. Being Source Motion Drive The History
From the above explanation, from Toynbee view of the history of motion patterns and objectives, it is clear that the mover of the motion history according to Toynbee view is:
a. God, as creator of the universe and human
b. Nature, which gives the relationship and response to human
c. Humans, who acts as the creator of culture

God who is the creator of nature and man, the man knows the will and the manifestation of His will that be the goal of the individuals towards the divine life. God who dwells in His kingdom that wishes to make a human being perfect and better. It is the same with the teachings of Java, "Burghers Manunggaling Gusti", who wants to become a better man to be perfect and return to the Lord.

Nature as a living human being who gives a challenge, then man responded by creating a culture that is good for nature. Nature does not always give a good condition, but also give people who are not good, so that culture will not appear.

Man as the creator of culture which is the prime mover of the motion of history, because it is people who determine the direction and goals of the movement of history that exist in the human power to be a factor of the rise and fall of cultures which is a manifestation of the movement of history. So three interconnected drive can be an element of the movement of history.
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