Hamachi is a software to directly connect two or more laptop / computer connected to the Internet network without complex configuration.
Zero configuration virtual private network (VPN) or a virtual private network without any configuration. to establish the relationship between far-flung computers through the Internet, as if the computer will connect to the local network or LAN.
VPN is a network that uses the Internet infrastructure to connect the server to the client in private.
Hamachi is a hosted VPN service that securely connect a variety of devices over the network, extending LAN-like network connectivity to mobile users and business applications. You can easily create secure virtual networks on-demand, through public and private networks.
VPN is a network that uses the Internet infrastructure to connect the server to the client in private.
Hamachi is a hosted VPN service that securely connect a variety of devices over the network, extending LAN-like network connectivity to mobile users and business applications. You can easily create secure virtual networks on-demand, through public and private networks.
Advantages Using Hamachi:
- Web-based management, easy administration
- Managing the network with ease, using the gateway and hub & spoke selection
- Network security with encryption, access control and configuration management
- Commercial up to 256 clients per network, free for non-commercial use
- Can be connected with LogMeIn account
- Hamachi can also be used to remotely computers outside the local network, Windows file sharing, play multiplayer LAN games, webserver, private FTP and others.
Download : Hamachi
License Freeware
Developer LogMeIn Inc.
Operating System Windows XP / Vista / 7/8/10
Developer LogMeIn Inc.
Operating System Windows XP / Vista / 7/8/10
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