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Sunday, 23 November 2014

ASEAN History

History ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Nations

History of ASEAN - ASEAN is a multilateral organization that is the largest among countries in Southeast Asia.

ASEAN itself is an abbreviation of "Association of South East Asian Nations" or in Indonesian is also called the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, or often abbreviated PERBARA.

ASEAN history which is among the country's organization is established with the aim to promote cooperation among countries in the Southeast Asia region in all sectors such as social, cultural, economic, peace, security, and so forth.

History of ASEAN - ASEAN Member
At this time the ASEAN organization organizes 10 countries in Southeast Asia, namely:
  1.      Singapore (founding member of ASEAN)
  2.      Malaysia (founding member of ASEAN)
  3.      Thailand (founding member of ASEAN)
  4.      Philippines (founding member of ASEAN)
  5.      Indonesia (founding member of ASEAN)
  6.      Brunei Darussalam (1984)
  7.      Vietnam (1995)
  8.      Laos (1997)
  9.      Myanmar (1997)
  10.      Cambodia (1998)
ASEAN History - When The establishment

ASEAN organization first formed only by 5 countries only, namely the Philippines, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand. The incident occurred through a declaration called the Bangkok Declaration on 8 August 1967. As the name implies, the declaration occurred in the city of Bangkok Thailand.

In the declaration made an agreement to establish an organization of multilateral cooperation between the five countries, namely, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand. This organization was officially established with the signing of the declaration by the representatives of the 5 countries.

These five ASEAN founding countries each represented by foreign ministers of the five countries:
  1.      S. Rajaratnam (messenger of Singapore)
  2.      Adam Malik (delegates from Indonesia)
  3.      Thanat Koman (delegates from Thailand)
  4.      Tun Abdul Razak (delegates from Malaysia)
  5.      Narcisco ramos (delegates from the Philippines)
After standing for 17 years, ASEAN history changed with the entry of Brunei Darussalam as a member on January 7, 1984. And the history of ASEAN back updated with the inclusion of other new members on July 28, 1995, Vietnam. Not long ago, back new members joined the ASEAN July 23, 1997. This time there are 2 new countries as well, namely Myanmar and Laos.

Cambodia is the youngest country joined ASEAN on December 16, 1998. The history of the entry into the ASEAN countries Cambodia bit constrained. At the beginning of this country will join together with the merger of Myanmar and Laos in 1997. But at that time in the country of Cambodia are the political upheaval. These events make other ASEAN members consider temporarily delay the entry of Cambodia as a new member. ASEAN --Sejarah

History and Background ASEAN Economic Geography

In general, the ASEAN organization can be regarded as a geo-political organization based economy of the country netabenenya members are in Southeast Asia. Overall ASEAN countries taken together will have a land area of approximately 4.46 million square kilometers. This amount is equal to 3 percent of the land surface of the earth as a whole.

ASEAN's total population of approximately 600.000.00 soul, this is equal to 8.8 percent of the entire population of the earth. Therefore, ASEAN is an organization that is a very big country presence in the world. In addition, ASEAN also has grown into an enormous economic power and respected, especially in Asia. ASEAN --Sejarah

Symbol Meaning ASEAN

ASEAN history continues with the launch of the ASEAN logo. The ASEAN emblem actually been used for a long time, but only officially designated on April 8, 2010.

ASEAN's logo or emblem is seemingly in the form of a circle with 3 colors. The blue color found on the outer circle ring.

In the smaller circle in the form of a ring with a seemingly white color. While the main circle in the middle using a bright red base color.

In the center of the red circle there is a form of rice straw numbered 10 with the words "asean" at the bottom right.

4 colors available in ASEAN symbol is a representation of the color that is widely used in the national flag of each country member. In addition, these colors also have different meanings.

     Yellow color: symbol welfare and prosperity of the people
     The color red: the epitome of dynamism and spirit
     White: the epitome of purity and sincerity
     The blue color: symbol of security and peace between nations

While drawing 10 yellow rice stalks in the middle of ASEAN logo depicting the ten ASEAN countries are expected always united and always work together in a unity that is symbolized with a circle.

ASEAN Flag History

The inauguration of the ASEAN flag is also an other important events in the history of ASEAN. The inauguration event took place in July 1997. ASEAN Flag rectangular, similar to the shape of the flag in general.

The composition of colors on the flag is actually the same as the symbol of ASEAN ASEAN, only the flag, the blue color is not a circle but a ring into the base color flag rectangular form.

Dark blue flag with ASEAN ASEAN symbol right in the middle of the ASEAN flag. Complete flag with the emblem completes the history of ASEAN.

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