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Monday, 27 January 2014

5 Animals addition Birds Can Fly

The following animals can also fly like a bird. But these animals are not including poultry

1. Ants Skateboard

Actually insects are not really able to fly, but they can glide over the surface so it looks like a fly. Insects do it to shorten the journey to the destination.

2. squid fly

Squid is able to float in the air for a while. This is done to escape from fishing boats and escape the predators. Squid is like flying yes.

3. Flying Fish

Flying fish is able to fly as high as 396 meters or 1300 feet above sea level. This fish is able to perform a Terbangan high as 20 feet in the speed of 42 mph or 67 km / h. Even the flying fish is the one who broke the record animal other than a bird can fly.

4. Frog Fly
Flying frogs are also known as tree frogs. This frog has a membrane hands which will help them to fly avoid predators. This type of frog is found in many tropical forest countries such as Indonesia and Malaysia.

5. Snakes fly

This type of snake is not fly, but they glide from one tree to another, to facilitate them change places. However, they look like flying.

That to five animals that can fly, but they are not the one kind of poultry.
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